Top 4 ways to get started with your writing when feel stuck.

Ashok Rana
1 min readDec 18, 2020

It feels so empty when you get back to work after a long break. Especially when you are working online. Only few days of inactivity coast you a lot.

🔸You lack content ideas,
🔸You lack confidence
🔸You start Comparing your progress with others
But you don’t have to,

It’s you and your life. You don’t have to compare yourself with anybody. You just need to get started again with the courage to show up with your flaws and mistakes,

And here I have few ways to get started again,

1) Everyone loves to listen stories, so share your story or the reason behind the break.

2) Check out your old content and repurpose it.

3) If you recently came across any quote, you can write around it a story or a relatable life experience. đź’Ľ

4) If you are a book lover, you can write a review. Like, why you should or shouldn’t read this book. 📖

5) And at last Google.🔍

Anything to add up?



Ashok Rana

Hello, beautiful people, thanks for stopping by, I'm Ashok Rana, I write Articles and Blogs on Travel, Mental health, Personal growth and trending topics.